Lauren E. Cagle tweeted:
That lead me to this idea:
Margaret Price generously made it better:
And so here we are. Ten folk jumped in and made links to handouts, websites, slides or blog posts about conference sessions they lead or attended.
The winner of the drawing is: Stephanie Wade of Unity College.
And here, in order of appearance, is the compiled list of links; to see them in their native Twitter habit, go to, visit, and you can skim the hashtag thread. But trust me, this is faster:
1. @lecagle, Lauren Cagle: “How Can We Ethically Research Unethical Images” slides & talk script.
2. @mintburlap, Dan McCormick: “Locating Queer Writing as Failure”
3. @BenVilla4Real, Ben Villarreal: A Blog Post on His First 4C’s after 10 Years in the Field and copy of his handout on Introducing Students to Twine.
4. @tgrett, Teresa Grettano: Slides from Cultivating Collaboration Between Information Literacy & Writing Instruction, fellow presenters Barbara D’Angelo, Michelle Albert, & Caroline Sinkinson
5. @invernessfalls, m∆tt gømes (Mathew Gomes): Slides from I.21, “Reframing Writing Assessment” w/ fellow presenters Catherine DeLazzero, Bridget Fullerton, & Dayna Goldstein
6. @CSmithMo, Cheryl Smith: “Resources for “Social Annotation (SA) for Close Reading”,
7. @cwittig, Carol Witting, Slides from panel A.21 “The Future of College Writing, And How to Stop It”
8. @stwade, Stephanie Wade, “Root Systems: Creating & Sustaining Community Connections Via School Gardens,” w/ co-panelists Veronica House, Carla Sarr, Kelly Shea, & Sarah Young
9. @lygeia1, Ligia Mihut, Tweet included image of her handout —
10. @cbdilger, Bradley Dilger Included a link to The Corpus & Repository of Writing,, which has summaries of session A.10 & H.47 on the homepage.